Free bus route from Trieste to Poreč

Free bus route from Trieste to Poreč

A special bus lane on the Trieste-Poreč route has been introduced at the beginning of July 2021, for the purpose of transporting passengers and bicycles. The bus lane is aimed primarily at tourists and cycling enthusiasts, who can use the services of this transport free of charge, all due to the ICARUS EU project (Intermodal Connections in the Adriatic solutions for passengers).

Traffic circulation on the aforementioned line will be operational from July 2nd to October 3rd, 2021, on weekends only (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) according to the following schedule: Line Trieste - Porec - departure from Trieste at 9 am from the Bus Station Trieste (Piazza della Libertà 9); Line Poreč - Trieste - departure from Poreč at 6 pm from Poreč Bus Station (Karla Huguesa 2).

The bus will be specifically equipped with a special bike trailer, and the services shall be completely free of charge in the specified period, with mandatory prior registration and booking reservation. Registration and reservation forms can be found at